What Kind Of Trainer Are You?

teaching Apr 04, 2016

There are no secrets. It's the main theme behind 'Kung Fu Panda' and the a driving principle in the internet technology space. As you may have heard me say over and over, the internet has leveled the playing field for experts to either do their work and serve at optimized levels never available before, or it forces the charlatans to climb under the rock from whence they came.

But even still, too many trainers worry about protecting their secrets, their art or their lessons and wrongly assume they must hold on to their intellectual property for fear of it being stolen.

Daily I hear quality trainers and coaches, who could be serving at an extremely high level, posing an argument that their stuff is unlike anyone else's and they don't want it to get ripped off. So for this reason, they refuse to openly teach, share and serve.

Yes, they are all extremely well intentioned - yet their business mind still exists in the black and white world of non-disclosure agreements and whispers at the...

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